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I'm a wife, mother and grandmother, and great-grandmother first and foremost. Observant Jewish by faith. Free spirit by nature. I have wanted to be an author since I was very small, and being the determined character that I am, I now am one. It hasn't been an easy road. Although I had articles and small pieces published whilst I was still in primary school, I struggled with the publishing world of books. My first ever novel, Working it Out, (#1 in the Rifki Nesher/Goldberg trilogy) was published in 1990 and several others followed on, totaling 23 to date, with my latest book Suspicion, which was also a serial in the Aim.  

I am now in my mid 70s and my husband Joseph is coming up to 81 in January 2025. We have a large tribe of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, the latter is being added to all the time! But I am still writing, serials for the Aim section of Ami magazine, which all become books when they’re done, plus I recently completed what I call the book-book; because it never was a serial, a little like An Ordinary Wednesday. It’s called The Guy Next Door (sub title: Who is he and what does he want with my family?). I’m hoping Menucha publishers will get on with editing and producing this book as soon as possible!! They already have two further serials complete and ready to turn into books: Switched, and most recently completed, Vortex. I have just started on a new serial, Deceit, but at time of writing this bio, I have only written a couple of chapters, and it hasn’t yet appeared in the magazine.


We have been living in Jerusalem coming up to three years now and we are very happy here.

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